Simple non-academic approach to get real life results

I hope you enjoy reading and learning from this blog. I will use a simple non-academic approach and will add every day a new leverage for getting better results from the business ventures that you and me are having. I will use real life examples to get it right. My goal is to achieve a lot of things in life and my passion is business. Putting these simple tips into action will make you rich. Enjoy the ride!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Planning is key to everything

I honestly believe that planning your stuff beforehand is key to much much more efficient working. Without planning I just jump around from one thing to another and nothing gets finished. Ok, now you might think that sure I plan my stuff so I'm doing it right. Not true. If you plan your things ahead, that's great but you got to take it to another level. You got to plan every day what you gonna do next day! Just before you go home from the office write down on your calendar all the things you will do next day.

When I first time started to get serious about the importance of planning was after reading maybe the best sales book ever written Frank Bettger's How I raised myself from failure to success in selling (what a long name for a book!). What our hero Frank did was that he invested couple of hours every saturday to plan his next week's tasks. That's fine and good manner, but I've found that things come up and during the week it gets quite a mess. Yes, you can stick with the plan as Frankie says and do the upcoming things the week after. If that's possible, ok, but it is not, at least in my case. Just can't cope with it. So that's why I plan now my days every day and that is just great  as you wake up in the morning and you know exactly what you got to do. You can also easily see what things are the most important and do them first.

This really is a key leverage to success in every aspect in this game we call life.

A great Australian entrepreneur Brad Sugars told me in one of his seminars in London couple of weeks ago the following pattern and I think Mr. Sugars has a point:
Dream : Goal : Plan : Action = Life

We have a dream what we want in a future and we really should write down the goals that we want to achieve. We got to plan every day our strategy how to move towards the goal and finally take the action and actually work the plan that we've created daily.

If you have people working for you it is absolutely necessary to make a plan for everyone. There's nothing more stupid than letting your worker wonder around without exact plans and goals in his precious work that he's doing for you to achieve again your personal dreams.

Invest in planning! Amen.

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