Simple non-academic approach to get real life results

I hope you enjoy reading and learning from this blog. I will use a simple non-academic approach and will add every day a new leverage for getting better results from the business ventures that you and me are having. I will use real life examples to get it right. My goal is to achieve a lot of things in life and my passion is business. Putting these simple tips into action will make you rich. Enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First leverage for your business

Right to the point, first leverage is FUN. You got to have fun at your business. I don't care if it's an accounting company, hardcore telly sales, women's underwear shop ;), or whatever - it has to be fun, fun, fun! It might sound simple but it is amazing how much you can boost your business with this simple ingredient. If it was Sir Richard Branson who basically based all his business ventures to this basic idea it can not go wrong to take this leverage and add it to your daily business attitude.

I want you to look at yourself (as I am doing with myself now) and think if you're having FUN at your business or are you a victim of every day routines and patterns. The answer might be that there could be definitely more fun. It always is! But hey, don't worry - it's easy to fix. Grab your paper calendar, open your outlook agenda, or whatever diary you're using  and do the following:

Write randomly in four different places during next eight weeks the question: "Am I having fun at my business right now?"

After that it's up to you if you want to add the fun leverage or not. I recommend doing something different every day and so changing your ways for good.

I'll have my lunch now and will SALUTE all people with big SMILE that I come across.

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